Gas Piping

Natural gas powers many appliances in and outside of Spartanburg and surrounding area homes and businesses. However, because of the risks associated with natural gas, it’s important that you always call on a professional to perform gas piping services, including all installation and repairs. The experts at WN Kirkland provide a full range of gas piping services.


Natural gas is highly combustible, which is why it’s such a popular fuel source. It’s also a respiration hazard, even in small concentrations. These factors make natural gas very dangerous to work with if you aren’t a professional. You should never attempt gas line work unless you have the required training.

Gas Piping Installation

Furnaces and water heaters are the largest gas appliances in a house. BBQ grills and gas fireplaces made to resemble wood-burning fireplaces are also common in South Carolina. Other gas fixtures include dryers, ranges, tiki torches, and backup generators.

gas piping

You’ll need a natural gas line if you want to use a gas appliance. Many cities have gas mains, especially those with higher populations. The most common installation service for gas piping is to connect a line from the gas main to your house. We can also lay multiple lines for houses where necessary, typically in cases where gas appliances are some distance apart. Additional gas services include the installation of shutoff valves, which help prevent gas leaks during natural disasters.

Gas Piping Repairs and Maintenance

Natural gas is odorless. However, gas suppliers typically add in an odorizer such as t-butyl mercaptan or thiophane to aid in detecting leaks. These chemicals smell like rotten eggs, allowing you to detect gas in low concentrations. Evacuate your home immediately and call your gas company if you ever smell this odor.

Once you’ve seen to your immediate safety, you should call the experts at WN Kirkland to repair the leak. An appliance that isn’t receiving as much gas as you expect could indicate a blockage, which could also require a repair. Again, you should call your gas company first to determine if this problem is an emergency. In addition, gas services include converting gas appliances from propane to natural gas or vice versa. You may also need us to relocate gas lines to accommodate additional appliances.

Contact the professionals at WN Kirkland today if you need gas piping installation or service.

I have worked with WN Kirkland for over 10 years on many projects. WN Kirkland has never let me down and they always stand behind their work. WN Kirkland has great guys in the field and not only are they skilled, they also have great attitudes. WNK is a first class operation in every way and I am very thankful for their relationship.

Hootie Solesbee